No, it will not.
They will be ruling on whether or not Colorado's decision was lawful. Clearly, it was not. They'll not have to decide or even discuss what did or didn't happen on January 6th. That isn't the point and has nothing to do with it.
It was the job of congress and the department of justice to determine whether or not Trump did anything at all unlawful on January 6th. They didn't. That doesn't give a group of liberal judges in the state of Colorado the right to say that he did without first charging, trying and convicting him of the crime.
And what makes it all so much worse is that my state of Georgia HAS done exactly that: charge Trump with trying to overthrow and interfere with the election.
If Colorado is going to be so damn lazy and chicken shit as to not bother to charge the man and convict him, the least they could have done is wait to see Trump convicted in Georgia.
After that, they would have been well within their rights to say, "Trump tried to overthrow a free and fair election, overturn the will of the people, and we do not want that in our state, so we're banning him from running for office in this state and he will not appear as a candidate for president either." and they could cite the conviction in Georgia as grounds.
And that would have been that. There wouldn't have been anything SCOTUS could do about it.
But SCOTUS can't let this bullshit ruling stand. If they do, then you will have every partisan state senate, political group and rich men with lawyers on retainer making motions to remove congressmen, Senators, mayors, governors and everything else under the sun from every ballot in the land without any due process at all.
That simply can NEVER be allowed to happen.
They will be ruling on whether or not Colorado's decision was lawful. Clearly, it was not. They'll not have to decide or even discuss what did or didn't happen on January 6th. That isn't the point and has nothing to do with it.
It was the job of congress and the department of justice to determine whether or not Trump did anything at all unlawful on January 6th. They didn't. That doesn't give a group of liberal judges in the state of Colorado the right to say that he did without first charging, trying and convicting him of the crime.
And what makes it all so much worse is that my state of Georgia HAS done exactly that: charge Trump with trying to overthrow and interfere with the election.
If Colorado is going to be so damn lazy and chicken shit as to not bother to charge the man and convict him, the least they could have done is wait to see Trump convicted in Georgia.
After that, they would have been well within their rights to say, "Trump tried to overthrow a free and fair election, overturn the will of the people, and we do not want that in our state, so we're banning him from running for office in this state and he will not appear as a candidate for president either." and they could cite the conviction in Georgia as grounds.
And that would have been that. There wouldn't have been anything SCOTUS could do about it.
But SCOTUS can't let this bullshit ruling stand. If they do, then you will have every partisan state senate, political group and rich men with lawyers on retainer making motions to remove congressmen, Senators, mayors, governors and everything else under the sun from every ballot in the land without any due process at all.
That simply can NEVER be allowed to happen.