The Climate Change Thread

The fight over the wind turbines has been long running.

In October 2021, the Sámi people secured a legal victory. Norway’s Supreme Court ruled that the wind farm permits were invalid because the turbines violated the protected cultural rights of Sámi people by infringing on reindeer grazing lands.

But nearly a year and half on, the turbines are still operating.

Aboriginal rights.

“But you cannot have a green shift that violates human rights or Indigenous rights,” said Jåma. “These constructions threaten our way of living and our way of engaging in our culture as reindeer herders.”

The reindeer plays a major role in Sami life and culture, and reindeer husbandry rights are protected by the Constitution of Norway, in international law and in national statutes.

The rights of use or ownership The Sami population's traditional use of territory for reindeer herding can indisputably constitute basis for property rights by way of immemorial usage («alders tids bruk»), either in the form of rights of use or ownership. Access to land is essential for the reindeer husbandry to be able to continue with the nomadic mode of operation. The Office of the High Comissioner of Human Rights The Expert Mechanism

Your ref Our ref 19/5481-4 Date 15 January 2020

Page 2 Through extensive case-law, the Supreme Court of Norway has held that the assessment of whether property rights have been established, must make due regard to Sami traditions and legal opinion, most recently in the Supreme Court's judgment of 28 September 2016 (HR2016-2030-A) and its plenary judgment of 9 March 2018 (HR-2018-456-P). This is also recognized in section 4 first paragraph of the 2007 Reindeer Husbandry Act. The Act, in section 4 third paragraph explicitly holds that compensation for expropriation of reindeer herding rights is awarded based on the same principles as other property rights (here rendered in office translation): «lnterferences in Sami reindeer herders' reindeer herding rights shall be compensated in accordance with general expropriation law».
Except the conundrum is the aboriginal rights are enshrined in the constitution.

What's interesting is the way all three Nordic countries treat reindeer. They're treated the way Americans treat the bald eagle.
Except the conundrum is the aboriginal rights are enshrined in the constitution.

What's interesting is the way all three Nordic countries treat reindeer. They're treated the way Americans treat the bald eagle.
You're still missing it.

Big headline, big writeup, over 10 people protesting. Only because she was there. It's like a Trump rally only 10 people show up for.
It wasn't just 10 people. Well it was at that site, but there were protests also going on elsewhere.

Dozens of protestors, including Thunberg, have blocked access to Norwegian government buildings in Oslo to protest against two windfarms built on Sámi reindeer grazing grounds.

On Wednesday morning, 10 people including Thunberg were removed by police from the entrance of the ministry of finance, according to a spokesperson for the Oslo police district.

They arrested that group perhaps because it was Greta. There were other groups active at other buildings.
You know I had an idea for a sci-fy story. Humans land on another planet and find items pointing to a past civilization but the communications suddenly stop from the crew. Crew is found dead. Interior camera shots from the landing vehicle show it disintegrating in parts. In the end the other civilization had a plastics problem and tried to develop a bacteria to clean it up but the bacteria went wild and ate all plastics.
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