The Arrest / No Fly List / Comeuppance Thread

Several police departments across the country have opened investigations into cops among their ranks to find out if they were involved in the siege on the U.S. Capitol on Washington, D.C. on January 6th.
The growing number of probes follows an announcement from the Seattle Police Department on Friday that two of its officers have been put on administrative leave pending an investigation into allegations that they were in the nation’s capital during the raucous events.
The New York Times reports that cops from Texas, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire are now under similar scrutiny after social media posts placed them near the riots that took place in the nation’s Capitol.
"Get him Jim"
"Now, while Jim's busy I'd like to tell you about Mutual of Omaha's life insurance. I'm sure, like Jim, many of you ..........Now let's re-join Jim as the anesthetic wears off and our target gets feisty and on the move again "

I remember those...

In particular I'll always be fond of the NatGeo theme.
Man, we would watch that, and would cover our eyes with our hands !! And would say, “ No Jim don’t do it !!! You’ll die, that thing will cut you to ribbons! Screw the cameras run!” Her out of there Jim !! Let Marlin do it.

Yes, and those Mutual of Omaha Insurance commercials of course! I wonder if that gave poor Jim a top notch policy for free ?
He was one of that line of three or so people.


He's the 2nd in fro left. Of course, the middle is organic momma's-boy and the 2nd from right already lost his job because his employer was identified via the employers ID card around his neck that he conveniently left on during his tenure at the Capital.

Watson was taken into custody without incident around 1:45 Monday afternoon at a home along Samantha Court in Auburn, Alabama. Federal authorities and Auburn police were present when Watson was led from the house in handcuffs after a Lee County Judge revoked his bond on prior drug charges. Watson is now in Federal custody.

Watson was taken into custody without incident around 1:45 Monday afternoon at a home along Samantha Court in Auburn, Alabama
News 3 confirmed Watson was arrested by Auburn back on July 2 on drug charges, including Trafficking in Marijuana and LSD and Drug Possession, and released on a $103,000 bond. Watson’s bond was revoked Monday morning after a Lee County Judge approved the Lee County District Attorney’s Office Motion.

Just can't make this shit up...
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Guys, I have been busy today. I will try to get to reading the article above. Work load picked up today at work.

While I was at it, one of our "vendors" came in. A big Trumper. Oh, Oh, Boy.... He was waiting for his opportunity to start a conversation over the events anyway he possibly could. :cautious:

As normal, I try to stick to work with him. But, he's a rabbit Trumper. First off, he starts right away with the "internet!" "Their taking our rights away from us! On Twitter, You Tube, Facebook, etc. And, they've gone after Parlor etc. Their taking the side of those Communist Democrats! Now, we are all going communist for sure! If you don't post things that agree with the communist state and that Communist BIDEN! They'll ban you! Lock your account, and their goes your freedom of speech etc. All the right wing you tube video makers are warning all their posters about this, cause they don't want their you tube channels taken down! This communist!!

Then, he says, "Trump didn't do anything wrong! It was a protest." Which I told him, "NO, it was not a protest! That was not a protest. that was insurrection, sedition, and a coup on the nation's capital, they went up there to over throw and election, and virtually the government, and to damage our democracy! That was no protest. None of that is covered in the constitution that you have the right to do that, I'm sorry." Oh, god.. "I think he got mad." But, Trump is the only thing that stands between us and those communist! I said, "What communist?" Like that Nancy Pelosi, he said. I said, "Nancy? her? She's no communist. I doubt that. She's a liberal from Baltimore, who has a lot of money, and pushes the left down in the house, and works as a centrist. I don't know where the communist stuff come's from? Why because she represents a district in CA? oh pls. Do you know what one is? I would expect you using Bernie as one? Where are these communist at? I can't seem to find them myself actually.

What about BLM? he says. Oh, you mean the poor. The disaffected. The Rejected. The unaccepted of the Capitalist system. By default, maybe that could make them communist, but if you ask them, they don't call themselves communist, or think of themselves as communist, "Just down and out."

Anyway, he keep ranting like Hell, about how unfair, "Their cause was being treated, and how angry they were etc! carrying on,, until finally he started saying, well, I dont' care about Trump or those people up there and "What they did to the building, or to the people etc." "All I care about is what's happening to ME! and the rest of us!"

And you know good and well, those grievances are as full of baloney as the rest of his shit is. I don't want to pay taxes, I don't want to wear a mask, (like he wasn't), be racist, rude, an arrogant snot, run over the top of everyone else etc. down the lists. ( all the usual suspect GOP reasons)

This Devine right to everything.

It was quite distasteful just standing there listening to him, until finally I found the right excuse to leave him standing there.

But, make no mistake these people are Angry, ignorant angry.