Dr. Wolff’s Socialist Thread Room.

8 Shameless Democrats:

Joe Manchin WV (D). 8 Million + $
John Tester MT (D). 4 Million $
Kristen Senema (AZ) (D).
Jeane Sheanne (NH) (D). 5.7 Million $
Maggie Hassan (NH) (D). 4.4 Million $

Chris Coons (DE) (D). 11 Million $
Tom Carper (DE) (D). 6 Million $
2 close friends of Biden’s.

Angus King (ME) (I). 10.5 Mill

Total of = 8

This is who really killed it most of all ^ greedy, spineless, worthless, bastards.

Make sure you remember these assholes! Memorise what states their from, their names, all democrats + 1 independent.

Find out how many of them employ people working for near min wage, or small businesses they may own?
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That's close.

A supermajority (2/3rds votes) is required to pass anything that changes a previous legislation attached to the constitution. A budget does not. Treaties also require a supermajority.

A bill can be passed with a simple majority. No problem.

But if that bill is vetoed it then requires a supermajority vote to overrule the president. Last time that happened? Just a few months ago when Trump vetoed the defense spending bill. The Senate voted unanimously to overrule him.

This goes back to the Covid Relief Plan. There is a LOT in there that effects already written legislation, therefore it SHOULD take a supermajority to overturn it and change it.

That's why they changed it to a "budget adjustment". That way, they're not overturning a piece of legislation, they're simply amending it. That can be done with a simple majority.

It's actually Mitch McConnell that wrote the book on doing things that way. Democrats are simply using his own rules against him now.

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8 Shameless Democrats:

Joe Manchin WV (D). 8 Million + $
John Tester MT (D). 4 Million $
Kristen Senema (AZ) (D).
Jeane Sheanne (NH) (D). 5.7 Million $
Maggie Hassan (NH) (D). 4.4 Million $

Chris Coons (DE) (D). 11 Million $
Tom Carper (DE) (D). 6 Million $
2 close friends of Biden’s.

Angus King (ME) (I). 10.5 Mill

Total of = 8

This is who really killed it most of all ^ greedy, spineless, worthless, bastards.

Make sure you remember these assholes! Memorise what states their from, their names, all democrats + 1 independent.

Find out how many of them employ people working for near min wage, or small businesses they may own?

It's simply amazing the amount of cheap ass millionaires.
It truly indeed is.

found this a little while ago, couldn’t 😴 sleep 💤. There’s still two Trump moles planted over Social Security and Medicare trying to drill holes in it.

Biden needs to fire them.
They're still all over the place trying to fuck shit up. I think it's just for the sake of fuckingn things up to make Biden look bad. I don't think they care at all who it hurts so long as it makes Biden look bad.
Well at least Biden has submitted names for appointtees to the postal board so that once they're in they can fire that fucking asshole DeJoy. God damn I hate that guy.
Dejoy should be drug out of that position by his ears, kicking and screaming! And, then he should be investigated and prosecuted!

The whole operation is nothing more than a privatization scheme by the rich! The postal scheme, the Medicare and social security scheme they're trying to play too as well. ALL of IT.

They want anything by the government that "works for the people" to people hook up to private contracts $ funneling tax payer money into their coffers! then what will happen is they will "deprive services" to the people-the tax payers themselves. Ex: if they drill into Social Security or Medicare, they will privatize it, cut off services, deny benefits, chop it up. Then, all the money will flow to THEM. You get nothing --"Benefits Denied" They get the money..

Everyone then says, "It don't work no more! Then, they say, "See, we told you that it was the government that don't work!" Then, they say, "We got to privatize it all out now... Then, what happens is, "Social Security, Medicare no longer exist!!!! Republican dream has finally been achieved that was launched in 1947......... they've won!

It's amazing how many people can't see that.

Fed Ex, UPS, other private shipping companies, want rid of the post office !! Amazon is the biggest beneficiary of the post office. But, they want care, they simply will pass the cost off to their customers in the end. OR they will not ship service to those areas.

Capitalism will not care. They just want the money.

ANYTHING, that resembles SOCIALISM THAT WORKS. They want to destroy it at all cost...!
The whole operation is nothing more than a privatization scheme by the rich!
Bingo! The very idea that they put some asshole that runs a business that directly competes with the USPS in control of the USPS is fucking unbelievable. I still can't figure out how the hell it was legal.

It would be one thing if they put the guy that ran Amazon's shipping in charge or maybe the gal that ran the Army's logistics or something. But this fucking guy owned a shipping company that directly competed against USPS. It's the most obvious conflict of interest I've ever seen and nobody gives a shit. It's unbelievable!
I was watching and old 70's TV show last night on my ROKU. While watching it, in the back of my mind I kept thinking to myself, "Man, what would these people ( I knew the stars were dead ), think if they were around today seeing what all is going down today think?"

I just think in awe sometimes on things like that.

I wonder how disappointed they would be, and what they would think would need to be done, or they would do? Or, what they would think about how people now are not doing enough about things now collectively or individually ?

It really make's me wonder,
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