Car Search 2021

Gomez Adams

Grammar Fascist
Staff member
Dec 1, 2020
Suwanee, Georgia
So the wife is interested in a new car. We've been kicking the idea around for months. She mentioned maybe an SUV since we have the big dog, so I went to a friend of mine in the UK who writes about cars. He tests drives them all the time and is a real writer.

For anybody interested, here's a shameless plug for my friend Mr. Phil Huff and his site Front Seat Driver.

So anyway, he mentions the Subaru Forrester. I'm looking at it and it looks right up our alley. So we looked at one. Drove one. We get out, want to think it over.

So she says today: We can't do it.

I ask why.

No turbo. I have to have a turbo. It's your fault. You need to find me something with trunk space, dog space and a turbo.

She's gone full blown Jeremy Clarkson on me. "Powerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
We're not going to be spending anywhere near that level of money. Hell, that's as much as we paid for our house when it was new. If we were going to drop 200,000 dollars on something, It'd be a condo at the beach.
Hi! So i just registered on this site, been lurking for years, Insurrectional Leftist turned me on to this site after we met on WOT forums and discovered similar political beliefs. Anyway - I have a Forrester, (wife's car) and it is great precisely because we got the XT version with the turbo 4 cylinder engine from the WRX. It is legit fast. Subaru quit making the XT unfortunately, but look for a used one.
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Hi! So i just registered on this site, been lurking for years, Insurrectional Leftist turned me on to this site after we met on WOT forums and discovered similar political beliefs. Anyway - I have a Forrester, (wife's car) and it is great precisely because we got the XT version with the turbo 4 cylinder engine from the WRX. It is legit fast. Subaru quit making the XT unfortunately, but look for a used one.

Welcome to our humble home.
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Cutthroatlemur rings a bell with me. I think I remember you from the WoT forum as well. Haven't been over there in years. Welcome aboard!

I actually want the Forrester but the wife soured on it because she's gotten used to her turbo charged Volvo. Who knew it would be her that pushed for power? :rolleyes:

Anyway, thanks for popping by! We're glad to have you!
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