It's at this point that I have to say something:
I have absolutely no idea what you're doing or what you're trying to do.
There are so many attachments and so many posts covering the same topics that I simply cannot keep up with it. This thread has me so completely turned around, I don't know what on earth to make of it. It literally makes no sense at all to me at this point.
It appears as though they (on Discord) are having the same issue - nobody can make heads or tails out of what you're posting. It sort of rambles around in circles without spelling anything out.
What I thought (and frankly hoped) you were going to do is make one coherent post about what happened in a timeline manner. Example:
- First, I tried to buy some dabloons.
- Then I was in a chat with ___________.
- Then this was said.
- I disagreed and then I was banned.
- A week or two later, my account was locked for a charge back that I didn't do.
- Then I discovered that they simply never processed the order.
Something like that. A "from the start to the finish, step by step" post about what happened.
Many of the posts you've made actually accuse me of wrongdoing because of how you word them, for example:
You previously asked for and got correspondence and screenshots from my bank proving they blame you for the aug 30 transaction and they are not at fault.
You have not provided a detailed view of the Aug 30 transaction from your payment gateway portal, therefore in my eyes it's not my/banks fault and you have something to hide. Visa transaction trace incoming to confirm your end blocked settlement....
You will unblock my card from double-paying the funds you forfieted to Visa for deliberately not sending for settlement for 2 months/your SJW support extortion fee. I will try and get the Aug 30; transaction back from visa.
I suggest you read this document and compare it to your support practice before you rack up more fines:
It took me a few minutes to realize that you weren't actually accusing me.
I don't know if it's a "lost in translation" problem on my end or if maybe you're just so mad about this whole event that you're getting ahead of yourself in your posting.
It does seem a bit odd though that you went over there trying to pick a fight when you still haven't heard back from VISA yet. Or, at least, you haven't informed me that you had.
I don't know why he banned you or if in fact it was him, but looking at the screen shots you just posted, they couldn't make any sense of anything you were trying to say so they simply moved your thread.
Then, after you kept posting things they didn't get they simply banned you rather than try to sort it out.
I honestly don't know what to tell you at this point other than you've posted a
TON of posts with a
TON of attachments that it would take at least a full week of my undivided attention to try to sort out one by one because you're not effectively explaining anything about any of them.
My honest recommendation is:
Start over.
Make a timeline of events. Sort out the entire thing from beginning to end and tell that story. Just do it in words first as simply as possible. Then I can try to go from there to sort out the rest.