Stay classy, Atlanta. Stay classy.

But three people. Seriously. What the actual fuck?!

A guy creeping around your neighbors window? Sure. Ask him what the hell he's doing there.

A guy you've never seen trying to open your garage door? Yes. Call the police.

A guy sitting there fishing? What the hell is wrong with you that HE's the one you're worried about? I mean, I would have approached him too, but my first question would have been, "Any luck?"
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Richard Belcher has been an Atlanta reporter for as long as I can remember. He retired not long ago, but still tries to keep things honset.

Mayor Kasim Reed of Atlanta ran the most corrupt government while in office of anybody anywhere. Dozens of people have gone to prison over it. He, like Trump, has somehow remained invincible through it all.

It simply defies belief that so many people are in or going to prison and he simply walked away from it all unscathed.
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So your bridges are old, outdated and not strong enough to handle modern traffic as they were never engineered to withstand the kinds of loads we're putting on them. What do you do?

You increase the loads that trucks can carry!



This is what happens when politicians make decisions that engineers should be making. It also presents a very good question: who goes to jail when these bridges start collapsing under loads they were never engineered to carry?
  • Facepalm
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