Heisenberg's 1000 Game Churchill Challenge

Day 30 results. I figured I'd give it one more try before throwing in the towel and it looks like everything is working agian. I'm back to T6 games though. Was allowed to kill a couple guys this time for a decent WN8 but it was as usual a hopeless cause.

Tank stats. This will be messed up for at least a few days I think because of it not working for so long.

Game stats.
Day 31 results. T5 game and it was a hard one. Managed to win it but didn't do that great. Still wound up being number one on the team for XP for being a meat shield.

Tank stats.

Game stats.
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You sure do spot a lot of tanks for being a T5 heavy and one of the slower ones in the game.
That's because most people don't ever make it out of base or at least very far from it. Even the lights don't make it that far anymore. Most of them don't ever make it half way across the map.

Your hit rate also increased.
I noticed that too but most were penetration without damage or critical without damage. I'll never understand how either is even possible but this is WoT so it is what it is.
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Reactions: Gomez Adams
Day 32 results. Best game I've played in quite a while. Was able to hit and damage people. It was refreshing. This of course means that tomorrow I will hit nothing damage nothing and probably get one shot for a 0 WN8.

Tank stats.

Game stats.
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Reactions: Gomez Adams
That's the thing about that game that drives me absolutely, stone cold, fuck nuts: The feast or famine way of it.

It's not like War Thunder is at all. I can lose 15 games in a row in War Thunder with ease, but I don't go into one game and dominate and then go into the next and not be able to hit a thing, or damage a thing, or see a thing.

Sure, I have my bad games along with the good, but normally I can tell exactly where I went wrong. I snap shot rather than take aim, he was hidden really well so I didn't see him, that sort of thing.

World of Tanks is just so damn much bullshit on RNG that it's impossible to be consistent. You know it's not you. You know you were perfectly aimed. You know you had him dead to rights.

And all you get is "CRITICAL HIT" and "PENETRATION" and no fucking damage at all because...well...dice roll.

It's easy to tolerate for a few days or maybe even a few weeks, but it's no wonder the game ultimately failed. Nobody in their right mind can take that sort of completely bullshit atmosphere for very long.
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Reactions: HeisenbergWOTS
Day 33 game results. Did OK but that's about it. On another long streak of T6 games and it's really hard to make a difference. Had a stat whore in this one I'll write up in a minute.

Tank stats.

Game stats.