Nebraska Medical Marijuana Legalization Bill Meets Resistance
A bill to legalize and tightly regulate medical marijuana hit a wall of resistance in the Nebraska Legislature on May 12, even though some opponents
So here's the skinny - A bunch of conservatives came up with this bill and were actually proud of the fact that it would be the most restrictive marijuana legislation in the country. Think about that shit for a second. They were proud that it would be essentially useless. What the ever loving fuck?
So not to be thought of as completely fucking moronic for introducing such a shit bill on marijuana, the bastards then turn around and filibuster their own fucking bill! I shit you not! You can't make this stuff up. So what's probably going to happen is this bill will be set ablaze and then local voters will start putting forward their own bills next year.
I love this state. The country and all. But god fucking damn the people running it still live in caves and draw buffalo on the fucking walls.