Wow. I should have complained a couple years ago.

Gomez Adams

Grammar Fascist
Staff member
Dec 1, 2020
Suwanee, Georgia
So with my internet being in and out over the last few days, I started looking at our plan and thought about changing providers. I was paying $75.00 per month and getting around 100 mbps down and 10 up.

I noticed that Spectrum (who bought out Charter who I was with the last 12 years) doesn't even offer a plan that slow. The slowest they offer is 300 mpbs for 25 dollars LESS.

But the guy hooked me up. He apologized for me pretty much getting screwed the last few years and hooked me up with a better plan for $39.95 per month for the first year. It goes up $10.00 per month after a year for three years to end up at $69.95 per month.


It really is a LOT faster!
So they lied.

It just jumped to $55.00 per month. I called and asked why and they said that I'm on the $90 dollar plan now. Next year it goes straight to $90.

I wanted to shitcan them today, but the wife doesn't want to change the email addresses on all our accounts.

Fine. She can pay them. The lying sacks of shit will never get so much as a penny out of me ever again.
The hardest part is your IP address. Most home IP's are dynamic, so you'll be marked as spam by everybody, especially Google and Microsoft.

If you have a static IP, its pretty easy. All you need is a computer. All the software is free.
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