I'm not sure how the hell they're saying covid cases are down. We still have hospitals turning away transfers hand over fist here. Here's a news article about it.
Now my thing is this part of it right here.
So how the hell are cases falling and demand increasing at the same damn time? Somebody somewhere is full of shit.

Nebraska Medicine turning away transfers from other hospitals is 'gut punch'
Nebraska Medicine's Chief Operating Officer Cory Shaw calls it a "gut punch" to have to turn transfers away.

Now my thing is this part of it right here.
"It's really a combination of two things. With ICU beds, it's really just beds but it starts with staff. If you don't have adequate staff, you can't open every single bed you have available to you," Shaw said.
UNMC's Nursing College Dean Juliann Sebastian says enrollment in their nursing program is robust, but hospitals still face staffing shortages due to sheer demand.
"Demand is really increasing, so this is not a question of people not being interested in nursing and not enrolling in nursing, but demand is outstripping supply," Sebastian said.
So how the hell are cases falling and demand increasing at the same damn time? Somebody somewhere is full of shit.