This is the email I just sent to my son's 3rd grade teacher. My son has been under the weather (just a typical cold, he's negative for Covid) and has missed a few days of school.
Ms. Bennerman,
Although Adrian is much better now, my wife doesn’t want him coming back to in person learning. Watching the news last night was the final straw, I believe.
They’re showing videos of maskless parents and children protesting outside Gwinnett schools over masks mandates (which of course means they practice absolutely ZERO safety standards outside of school), a Governor that “suggests” but doesn’t order anything, Cobb County Schools in freefall with cases, the entire school system in south Georgia shutting down completely, plus the 16 year old dying in South Carolina, dozens of children hospitalized here, hundreds in Florida…
All of which means it’s simply a matter of time, and probably not very much time at that, before kids at Level Creek start testing positive for Delta.
My wife is of the opinion that we were given a warning. I can’t say I don’t agree with her. I am wondering what I need to do to get Adrian switched back to remote learning.
Believe me, it’s the last thing on earth I wanted to do, but that’s what we feel is best with this Delta variant running pretty much unchecked across the entire nation killing indiscriminately.
Thanks in advance,