This headline is complete BS.

Gomez Adams

Grammar Fascist
Staff member
Dec 1, 2020
Suwanee, Georgia
So here's the story:

Here's the headline:

US Air Force to send dozens of F-22 fighter jets to the Pacific amid tensions with China​

Fun fact: At any given time, the United States only has 33 operational F22's. We've never in our history had "dozens" of them. Unless you just mean two dozen. Which would of course mean ALL of them.
The number stated is 25 - ffs that's not even two "baker's dozen".

I am curious though, on how an interpreter would translate "dozens"? I'm curious if that phrase have some sort of 'larger sounding' context in Chinese.
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The US Air Force has around 180 F-22s in its fleet, although only about half are mission capable at any one time due to maintenance requirements, according to Air Force statistics. So the US will be sending about 25% of mission F-22s to the Pacific Iron exercise.

The article suggested you have more then that although only half are air-worthy.
The article suggested you have more then that although only half are air-worthy.

We originally ordered over 200 of them. If memory serves we cancelled the order when they had 122 of them in the works. Since that time we've never really managed to keep a great many of them (33 on average) in the air at any given time.

The good news is that we never had to. The F15 is still undefeated in air combat.
If that's all true then it's all a colossal waste of money. We spent billions on that shit and can't even get 50 planes out of it?
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