The house next door is for sale.

Gomez Adams

Grammar Fascist
Staff member
Dec 1, 2020
Suwanee, Georgia
So the house next door to me is for sale:

Only $550,000.00


They've had a guy there working on it since the renters moved out about two months ago. They ripped up and replaced the flooring, put in all new carpet and appliances and painted.

He was a nice guy - even let me throw our old glass shower door in the big garbage container they had parked in the driveway.

What the pics don't show you:

The roof is COMPLETELY shot. It's the original roof from 2003. There are only three houses on this street that still have the original roofs and two of them are on either side of me. :rolleyes:

The AC Compressors have the most ridiculous wiring ever. It's actually illegal because there's no drip loop. It's a shock and fire hazard. Big time.

The garage door is rather heavily damaged. It was jammed a few years ago and bent pretty badly, but rather than replace it they just had it hammered back into shape and called it good.

So you've got around $20,000.00 worth of things that really need to be fixed on a house they're asking $550,000.00 for.

You know what? It'll probably sell because people are stupid. After all, the house on the other side of me sold for almost that much and had similar issues. Still does.
So the new owner started doing things a few weeks ago. He's had a LOT of lights with sensors put in just screwed haphazardly around the house, right on the siding and across his back fence for some reason. He also ripped up all the trees and bushes, leaving the stumps and stones that used to surround them scattered all over the place.

The lawn hasn't been mowed since before it sold. It actually looks far worse now than it did when it was for sale as you can now see a lot of the damage that was never fixed on the lower stonework.

$565,000.00 he paid and he does this to it:



This picture I took from the downstairs powder room so you can seen into the back yard:


And this pic shows the transition from my yard to that yard and the neighbors yard on the others side:


The HOA is going to have a field day with this guy.