The Assholes Trump Is Using


Resident Canadian
Dec 1, 2020
Canada's Ocean Playground

(Speaking about Andrew Tate - the human trafficker)
“Hey... Nice to meet you! I’m a big fan!” she said to (Andrew) Tate, according to numerous reports. She also said, "I think that your anger is the same that President Trump has for our country."

"And the time is now for us to stop being wimps. I think that’s exactly the right sentiment," the attorney then added. "And I also have to say that I sympathize with you because I think you go through a lot of the same ‘show me the person, I’ll find the crime’ that President Trump has gone through."
  • Facepalm
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Nothing says "I bought and slept my way to my law degree but am really totally clueless" quite like losing every single case you tried and then comparing someone charged with human trafficking to your boss that's been found guilty of 34 felonies and liable for sexual assault.

NOT the winning statement you think it is, you dingbat bitch.
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— Cato Institute
— Mercatus Center at George Mason University
— Americans for Prosperity
Heritage Foundation
— Manhattan Institute
— American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
— Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI)
— DonorsTrust
— Independent Women's Forum (IWF)
— Federalist Society
— Judicial Crisis Network (Now Concord Fund)
— Republican State Leadership Committee
— Alliance Defending Freedom
— Marble Freedom Trust
— 85 Fund (Formerly Judicial Education Project)

Interesting read
  • Haha
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