Don't hate me, but I still don't think he did it. I think he knows who did and I think he hired them.
To me, there's just no way anybody could have made that drive through residential 30 MPH streets with dozens of stop signs at that hour, brutally murder two people, one of whom put up a hell of a fight, get back in the truck, drive all they way back, get cleaned up and get rid of all the evidence as if nothing ever happened in 20 minutes without anybody ever hearing or seeing a thing.
Just no way.
Man, I can't drive 2.5 miles down the street to the gas station, fill up a couple of my lawn mower gas tanks without talking to anyone and get back in 20 minutes.
Even if he had a team waiting to help him get cleaned up, he would have had to drive like Michael Schumacher at the Monaco Grand Prix to be able to get there and back in 20 minutes, let alone being able to do the murders.
People would have heard that. Squeeling tires, racing engine...somebody would have heard or seen something.
But nobody saw or heard a damn thing.
I just don't see how it would have been possible for him to pull it off alone.