Reality Winner is NOT a hero.

Gomez Adams

Grammar Fascist
Staff member
Dec 1, 2020
Suwanee, Georgia
The ignorance of the typical American in this day and age is shocking. It's not just the Fox News crowd that are living in some sort of alternate universe. It's the left who, for whatever reason, decide to make heroes out of traitors at an alarming rate.

Yesterday, Reality Winner was released from prison to finish out her sentence at home. Home confinement, in my humble opinion, is a ridiculously lenient punishment for a traitor, but the fact is the government caved to a bunch of left wing idiots that have no idea what they're talking about. They call her a hero, a person of integrity, a champion of the American people.

She is none of those things. Here's why:

At the time Winner stole, yes STOLE, the classified documents she stole, the American public was already well aware that the Russian's had meddled in the 2016 election. It was all over the news for months. So Winner didn't tell us anything we didn't already know.

So what, exactly, did she do?

Let's talk about the intelligence game for a moment. There are some old sayings from World War II:
  • Loose lips sink ships.
  • If you tell where he's going, he may never make it there.
Things of that nature. The same holds true today. But something we learned in the second world war was how to really use counter intelligence.

When you find you have a leak or a breech, the last thing on earth you want to do is announce it. That sounds counter intuitive, but it's true. Being infiltrated brings about a unique opportunity; and that is exactly what happened with the election meddling of the Russians.

Of course it was all over the news, but nothing about HOW exactly they were meddling was listed. What that tells the Russians is that they haven't been found out yet. We think they're meddling, but we haven't proven it.

So now we talk about how the Russians had accessed several voter registration databases and been able to access several state voting systems. To this day, the extent that they infiltrated it all is still classified, but at the time the Russians had no idea that we had figured out exactly what they had done and how they did it.

That presents us with an opportunity: To isolate the access the Russians have and start feeding them false information. Lots of it.

The Russians, thinking they have not been found out yet, would use any amount of money, man power and resources to decipher all the data they were stealing, thinking of course that nobody knew they were there accessing it. Meanwhile, we feed them tons of false data: names that don't exist, databases of fake voter registration lists, etc.

The Russians spend all their time trying to figure out how to use all of that bogus information to their advantage not realizing of course that it's all bogus.

But then along comes Reality Winner. What she did was steal classified documents and give them to a news outlet that published them. In effect, what Winner did was tell the Russians that we knew exactly what they had done and exactly how they did it.

The jig was up. Russia at that moment KNEW they had been busted and were dealing with garbage we were feeding them. What Winner did was ruin a very good counter intelligence operation.

But the woke left loves her for it. It's simply staggering that people in this country are that completely stupid. The real reason Winner did what she did? Well, I can think of a few reasons:
  • She wanted to be famous like the other traitor Edward Snowden.
  • She was a Russian asset all along.
  • Both of the above.
To reiterate, Reality Winner didn't tell us anything we didn't already know; that Russia had meddled in the 2016 election. What she did was tell the Russians that we knew what they did, exactly how they did it and ruined a counter intelligence operation.

That's not the stuff of a hero. That is the stuff of a spy; or in a best case scenario, a self-centered blithering idiot that wanted to be famous.
I believe this is actually the first time I've heard of this.

The ignorance of the typical American in this day and age is shocking. It's not just the Fox News crowd that are living in some sort of alternate universe. It's the left who, for whatever reason, decide to make heroes out of traitors at an alarming rate.

Um, the left?

From Wikipedia:
On August 24, President Donald Trump tweeted: "Ex-NSA contractor to spend 63 months in jail over 'classified' information. Gee, this is 'small potatoes' compared to what Hillary Clinton did! So unfair Jeff, Double Standard." Winner expressed appreciation for his support, saying, "I can't thank him enough."[59] On August 31, Winner said she will ask Trump for clemency as a result of his tweet, and that her legal team was already working on her pardon application

No one to blame here but the right my friend - especially when trump defends you...
No one to blame here but the right my friend - especially when trump defends you...
You obviously don't Twitter very much. Democrats across the board are celebrating her release and claiming she's a victim of the Trump administration and a great American patriot.

  • Facepalm
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Just like fucking Snowden. They steal shit for their own profit and dumbassed people think they're heroes. It's always been like that though. People love outlaws for some stupid reason.
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No, I don't Twitter.
As I said, it's the first I've really heard of it besides when the Russian election interference revaluations were made.

I am surprised that she's garnering support from your democrats and republicans (or at least trump)
I am surprised that she's garnering support from your democrats and republicans (or at least trump)
Oh yeah. There's been a movement in the democratic party for months to free her because she did nothing wrong.

Generally the same people that believe Edward Snowden was a good guy that cared so much about the American people that his first move was to buy a first class, one way ticket to China and try to sell it for millions.🙄
Most people still think Julian Assange is a fucking hero. When your business is stealing and trying to sell and displaying classified documents you are a fucking criminal. End of story.
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