Looks like Trump's "big comeback" in Georgia is going to fall flat on its ass.

OPINION: Perdue campaign cratering in epic fashion
Back in 2020, I accused then-U.S. Sen. David Perdue of cowardice in quickly buying into the defeated president’s Trumpian lies about a stolen election.
Perdue’s campaign for governor was simply a howl of aggrievance at perceived wrongs done to him and Donald Trump. But now that campaign is imploding in epic fashion.
On Tuesday, my Atlanta Journal-Constitution colleagues authored a piece headlined “Where in the world is David Perdue?”
With just a week to the primary, the candidate for the state’s biggest government job has largely gone dark. One could put his dyspeptic mug on a milk carton to find him. That is, if there’s anyone left who cares to.
Republican Congressman Drew Ferguson recently said Perdue’s campaign is “on life support.”
In March, a Fox news poll had Perdue within reach of Kemp, 50% to 39%. Last month, Kemp’s lead grew to 53% to 27% in an AJC poll of likely voters in the Republican primary.
Annnnnnnd cue the "throw our heads back and laugh" video!