New Mexico legalizes recreational weed, and you can grow your own


Resident Canadian
Dec 1, 2020
Canada's Ocean Playground

As of today, it is legal to grow marijuana plants in your home or yard in New Mexico: up to six of them each, according to a law passed in a special session of the state legislature, with a cap of 12 plants per household. People 21 or older may possess up to 2 ounces (56 grams) of marijuana, and the smell of marijuana is no longer probable cause for cops wanting to search property, including vehicles.
I'm gathering the 2 oz limit is a public carry limit and not an at home limit (especially if you can grow 6). Here the open carry is up to 1 oz but the legal own limit at home varies between provinces. I believe British Columbia is own, at home, 1000 grams (1 kg or 2.2 lbs) while in my province, Nova Scotia, there is no limit to home own.
If they caught you with 2.2 lbs in your house here, you're going to prison for 25 years for possession with intent to distribute.

They'll also take your house and everything in it.
Same here. You'd probably get life for it.
If they caught you with 2.2 lbs in your house here, you're going to prison for 25 years for possession with intent to distribute.

Intent to distribute changed up here well before legalization. It used to be you have to prove you weren't intending to distribute but thanks to the SC the Crown now has the onus to prove intent and size alone is no longer indicative.
Around here it's just the amount. It used to be that you had to have it packaged for sale but the dealers got wise to that.
Here in Gwinnett, under an ounce has been decriminalized. If you have that the officer can either just let you walk or cite you. (It's a non-criminal 75 dollar fine, about the same as a parking ticket.)

City of Atlanta is the same. Several other counties are similar but the vast majority of Georgia can and will still take you to jail for so much as a single joint.