More Biden stupidity.

Gomez Adams

Grammar Fascist
Staff member
Dec 1, 2020
Suwanee, Georgia
In his blind rush to have "the first" in a given position, falling all over himself to show "inclusiveness", Biden has yet again screwed the pooch.

What happened to hiring the best person for the job?

Oh. Yeah. It went out the window in favor of pandering.
Interesting article. She also seems to have her fair share of defenders. Perhaps she was brought in for her knowledge on certain subjects which is why they are keeping the other person close.
A press secretary isn't brought in for certain subjects. They are masters of all. Her only defenders are the enabling Biden people that said picking her would be another good first.

This woman was selected only because she was gay and black and female, making her a triple first.

She's been a complete failure ever since. She's as inept as Kelly McInerney only without so much lying.
.....This woman was selected only because she was gay and black and female, making her a triple first....

This is exactly my point. Everyone keeps thinking the game plan always has to be A or one considered this administration perhaps changing up the game plan and doing something completely different.

I'm not saying it's correct or incorrect just different.
It's bullshit is what it is.

So far, by being stylish, he's put in place a treasury secretary that has been wrong at every turn, a transportation secretary that has spent more time on maternity leave (and he's a man) than he has in office, an education secretary that hasn't rolled back one thing that DeVos did (like removing the rights of girls sexually assaulted on campus) and a press secretary worse than Kelly McInerney and that's just for starters.

He could have turned over the government to the fucking Marx brothers and done a better job of it.