Lauren Boebert threatens parody website: 'Remove it immediately or face further action'
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is demanding that a parody website "cease and desist" operation because it is "defamatory" to the congresswoman. (function(t,e,s,o){var...

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is demanding that a parody website "cease and desist" operation because it is "defamatory" to the congresswoman.
Comedy writer Toby Morton revealed on Twitter that he had been contacted by the lawmaker's press secretary.
"Jake is the Press Secretary for @laurenboebert," Morton wrote. "Lauren told Jake to use his government email to send me a cease and desist order to take down my website, http://TheLaurenBoebert.com. Jake is not a lawyer. Jake is an idiot."
I left the website link since I felt strangely compelled to by the Streisand Effect