And, if there is to be a “so called conspiracy theory to be made-if-so, I would have to put money on one in the direction of those very people (wealthy and powerful), who have unleashed a virus

like this to collapse the world economic stage to change the dynamics to keep control, of the people, their wealth, the economic balance of power, and ultimate order in their hands at the expense of millions of lives around the

That you can seriously believe in.
This is not a conspiracy theory where a nut job in Nashville loads his RV up and blows and entire city business block up over some stupid “shit theory” about Democrats, the Clintons, the Obamas being lizard people with the rest of Hollywood. ( And, we are still waiting fir the rest of his motives— IF it’s too embarrassing for the GOP, Trump, exposing to the corporate establishment etc. )
Goof balls running around believing they don’t have to wear mask, take a vaccine shot because, they believe it’s the mark of the beast, with microchips, and luminous tracers in your body.
But, I am more inclined to believe my theory, about the wealthy, why?
Well, history. Look at all the wars! Why were they fought behind the scenes? Every time ? Banks! Money! Industry! Capitalism! Wealth! Power! PROFIT $. Always behinds the scenes and at the end! No matter how many millions of people died brutally!!
The wealthy do not care how many people suffer by their decisions. They simply do NOT. They are above anything you can imagine.
So, yes that conspiracy theory I do believe in. There’s plenty of basis for it, in history alone, much less, human nature, current events, and that the wealthy are psychopaths and sociopaths!