For crying out loud. Really, Elon? You have it all but just can't stand not cheating? Jesus wept, man. Get a fucking life.

Elon Musk 'kicked off video game' a week after becoming Diablo 4’s best player
Tech titan Elon Musk has been accused of cheating after video game Path of Exile 2 'disconnected' him from the server, prompting fans to share their views on social media
Tech titan Elon Musk has been accused of cheating in a video a week after he was kicked from the server topping the Diablo 4 leaderboards. The multi-billionaire has smashed gaming records after breezing through a Diablo 4 level 150 Pit in less than two minutes back in November.
Tech titan Elon Musk has been accused of cheating after video game Path of Exile 2 'disconnected' him from the server, prompting fans to share their views on social media.
Tech titan Elon Musk has been accused of cheating after video game Path of Exile 2 'disconnected' him from the server, prompting fans to share their views on social media.