Earth's core confirmed to have 'reversed' its spin. So what does this mean? - The Weather Network
The solid metal core of Earth does not rotate perfectly in time with the outer layers of the planet, and new research confirms that it has now reversed direction.

Their results show that the inner core stopped spinning, relative to the mantle, from around 2009 to 2020. Since 2020, it now appears to be spinning backward. A similar pause in the rotation of the core was found in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
.... the changes in the rate of rotation of the inner core appear to match up with the pattern of variations in the length of day (LOD) on Earth from the past 60 years or so. Note that the graph shows the LOD variations flipped upside down, thus the more superrotation of the core, the shorter the length of day, and the more subrotation, the longer the length of day. The data is shown in this way to better line up the curves.