Cry more, John Roberts

Gomez Adams

Grammar Fascist
Staff member
Dec 1, 2020
Suwanee, Georgia
This guy:

Chief Justice John Roberts may not be able to control the Supreme Court’s current public image and his colleagues’ off-bench behavior. But the tactical Roberts fully defined the court’s impact on American law in the session that ended Friday.​
The biggest cases? He wrote them, from those covering campus affirmative action, to rules for voting districts, to executive branch power over student-loan relief. And he wrote them in a way that further amassed power for the court itself.​
For Roberts personally, however, that wasn’t enough.​
In a highly unusual move, he took issue on Friday with dissenting colleagues and broader criticism of the court.​
Maybe, and I'm just spit balling here, but maybe he should have thought more about that when three of his justices said Roe was settled law and then overturned it, among other things.

He and his court are a corrupt, morally bankrupt, activist conservative construct, not stewards of the law. They have been since the instant they got the majority.

He and that kangaroo court of his deserve every ounce of criticism they get.
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