Hey man,, giving back to those who helped you out to me always counts for much. Knowing you had someone you could count on in a major crunch is worth a hell of a lot more than just the money, you know ? Good people like that are hard to find.
Family or not family.
So easy to get behind in this country. That's what I was saying, the cost of living didn't really go down during any of this shit !! Food Prices didn't go down !!! They actually went UP !!$ If you were paying attention other things seemed to go up around us.
And, that is a question why other things else "went up in price and cost during this period of Covid-19 ?'' ( across the board ) Do we know ? While everyone one was falling into a ditch of despair ?
Hell, I was being terrified by my employer that at any moment I was going to be furlough, laid off, bought out$, let go, etc. And, that threat is still "not over." There is still a warning blinker flashing amber yellow now actually. Nothing is definitive. That's no lie either guys. We still don't know what they could tell us on into next year ? We are being told we have a short fall of 27-9 million that has to be made up. Already have been cut to the bone marrow already.
I don't know if this Senate bill will hold it off or not ? Or if it even applies or not to us ?
The situation sucks for everyone.
Like I said in that other thread, there needs to be a federal emergency jobs program, to get this country back to full employment again.