Bitcoin hits 68,000

At least that's real. It's a card with a picture on it you can hold in your hand.

I beg to differ.
Bitcoin, these days, is as real as the hockey card. As real as any idea bought buy a company and later sold for more or less then the original price. As real as any fiat greenback. Do you think your dollar is real? I mean, can you find the exact place where the gold is that backs that paper dollar bill in your pocket? What is your dollar backed by then? Government assurance?
In fact I'm not sure anyone has actual "tangible assets" kept aside to back their currency any more.
My point is that physically, Bitcoin doesn't exist. You don't even have a symbol of what it is you just spent 68,000 dollars on. At least with the card you have a tangible thing that you can enjoy. If you're a fan of hockey, and Gretzky, then you have something to show for the money you spent on it.

With Bitcoin, you have literally nothing. At all.

Even when you buy a stereo for 600 dollars, which is a far damn cry from 68,0000 dollars, you at least get to enjoy the stereo. With Bitcoin, there is literally nothing. At all.

That is my point.
It's as real as your on-line dollars are. When your paycheck is deposited (who's physical dollars you most likely haven't actually seen these days) and you pay bill, exactly what did you move physically to prove you paid for something?
I'm not even going to mention electricity