I thought that the gun barrels of the tanks in WoT were not modeled in 3d and that's why they pass through everthing. Now guys on the forum are saying that they are modeled and you can shoot them and damage them. Do you guys know if that's true?
Basically, the visual model is the tank everyone sees in battle; a graphical image of the hull, suspension, turret and gun. The collision model is an abstracted representation of the vehicle used for server calculations -- it contains full information about armor, module arrangements (internal and external), and positions of the Crew members.
From their website dated 2015
Or did you mean in game?
My curiosity got the better of me, so I conducted a test to see if you could in fact damage the gun and/or tank by shooting the barrel.
I used the T7 Tiger P as the target since it has a nice long barrel and used the Scorpion off my Gomez account as the shooter as it has a really good gun.
I pull up and shoot the barrel in three places. No damage at all is done.
When I pull up to the other side and shoot the barrel as close as I can to the turret, it does damage the gun but does no hit points of damage to the tank. No other shots damage the gun at all and none do any hit points of damage.
So, basically, you can not damage the gun by shooting the barrel, or at least 99% of it. You have to hit right where it joins the turret to hurt it at all.