Another Tesla idiot crashes and burns.

Gomez Adams

Grammar Fascist
Staff member
Dec 1, 2020
Suwanee, Georgia
So apparently yet another idiot Tesla owner decided to show off the "auto pilot" feature, climbed into the passenger seat and let the car drive itself right into a tree where it burst into flames. (A common result of all things Tesla.)

Two people were incinerated.

Fire fighters reportedly used 32,000 gallons of water and spent hours suppressing the fire that resulted from the electric vehicle crash.
Several government agencies here have all but sued him to do it and he refuses to.

Musk winks at his "followers" about it and idiots that they are they think it really is autopilot and the government is just jealous.


Nearly every single person that has died in a Tesla was using autopilot.
Musk is a fucking criminal. He keeps telling people his autopilot will magically one day work when the reality is the system is so fucking mundane it probably never will.

His system is based on nothing but shapes. It can't tell the difference between a tree a truck or a person so all it can do is try to avoid the closest object. If there's a truck in the road and a tree to the right and a car on the left it just tries to dodge the truck and will run right into the tree head on.

He intentionally misleads people into believing his cars system is the best when it isn't. Buried in his statements are it's an assist not an autopilot but his cool aid drinking idiot fangirls all buy into the Tesla hype and burn alive when they ram a tree,truck or building. Musk is just as guilty as the idiots that buy into his bullshit for pretending his system is even remotely close to a self driving ability. It isn't.
Well, that's pretty much the same argument Google has made, albeit they did it in a more politically correct manner.

At any rate, here is what was left of the car:


Not sure how they could tell who was where. Also, they're not sure the autopilot was being used.

Being that the car is completely destroyed, I'm not confident they'll ever know.

Something that occurs to me though is this: they say one man was in the back and the other was in the passenger front seat.

I'm wondering if they were both in front when the crash happened and the car caught fire. Then they couldn't open the doors because they were jammed shut, so the driver crawled into the back to see if he could get out that way.

Then of course they both died before they could get out. The passenger may have gratefully been unconscious or dead the entire time.
I'm going to bet he put buddy in the back seat before he attempted to move to the passenger seat for driver-less mode.

I AM curious as to the telemetry Tesla collects and it's information transmission cycle. That info could have been being transmitted real time and continued for a bit post accident.
Tesla owners have more money than sense. You see them doing completely stupid shit all the time. It's kind of amazing that a shitload more of them aren't dead.
Aint that the fucking truth. I've seen videos of them asleep reading a fucking book and more.

I'm going to bet he put buddy in the back seat before he attempted to move to the passenger seat for driver-less mode.
Well that makes sense when you look at the interior. It's pretty damn easy.


It's practically a bench seat. But what level of stupid fuck do you have to be to do that kind of moronic shit? Obviously a Tesla owner. Let's read a book or go to sleep or get hammered drunk and let the car drive me home because it has autopilot.