Amazon devices will soon automatically share your Internet with neighbors


Resident Canadian
Dec 1, 2020
Canada's Ocean Playground

If you use Alexa, Echo, or many other Amazon devices, you have only 10 days until you're opted in to an experiment that leaves your personal privacy and security hanging in the balance.

On June 8,
the merchant, Web host, and entertainment behemoth will automatically enroll the devices in Amazon Sidewalk. The new wireless mesh service will share a small slice of your Internet bandwidth with neighboring Sidewalk-capable devices that don’t have connectivity. Sidewalk will also help your Amazon devices to a sliver of bandwidth from other Sidewalk users when you don’t have a connection.
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This is the same kind of bullshit as all those trial offers and that auto donate shit that Trump pulled. They get you to buy something then put in type so fucking small you need an electron microscope to read it that if you don't do a certain thing by a certain time then you pretty much give away all your rights. It's fucking bullshit. This kind of sneaky predatory "you'll pay for us to create a network" bullshit should be completely illegal unless they sell the device on that alone.

In other words you don't buy an Alexa that says it works for you. They have to put in bold type THIS DEVICE WILL WORK FOR US ON YOUR DIME. Fucking assholes.
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I remember the big lawsuit against Microsoft about its browser back in the '90's. Since Windows was really the only PC operating system, people were mad that it came with Explorer and not every other browser on earth. So the browser makers sued and won and Microsoft had to package crap like Netscape Navigator in its operating system.

Apple has never done that. They weren't sued, so they simply never did it.

Apple, historically, has gotten away with everything because they're in the minority. Since they only have a 15% market share in the PC market (that includes tablets and laptops) then nobody cares.

It's why Google and Facebook are getting looked at by everybody now but nobody cares about how there are literally hundreds of apps that do the very same corrupt things that Google and Facebook do.

Microsoft is simply conforming to what everybody else is doing now. They've played Mr. Nice Guy long enough.