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Gomez Adams here.
It's been a very long time since we've posted a video of someone being a horses ass in World of Tanks. In fact, it had been so long I had to do a recovery on the Youtube channel because I didn't have the information for it. The last video we published was August 9, 2021.
That said, this guy a10draggins is a complete waste of space. To intentionally go into battle without ammo is worse than being a bot. It's being an intentional detriment to your team.
He clearly never intended to fight at all. What's more, he never really intended to even move at all. From the video, you'll see that he obviously hit the battle button, got up and walked off.
Very early, a suicide scout lights him up and the enemy artillery starts hammering him. To show the poor state of game play, even though they have lit targets elsewhere, they keep shelling where he's sitting because they realize he's a bot and some free xp for them. Frankly, that makes them almost as bad as him.
At any rate, a10draggins eventually shows up back to the computer, sees that he's getting hammered by artillery and then moves the tank right up next to a building so he doesn't get hit.
Then, while his team screams for help as his base, just 100 meters away, is being capped but he refuses any help at all and then states that he has no ammo because he doesn't pay for it.
This scumbag needs to be banned permanently from the game.
Post game report:

Screen shots of the conversation:

CLEARLY, this is not an accident. This isn't some sort of "one off" he did and it certainly wasn't a rare occurrence. Here are his stats:

Clearly, he makes a living at it. Wargaming enables it. That's why their games are complete shit these days.
What's even worse is that Diamonddan19 is the "Commander" (and I use that term as loosely as I possibly can) of the entire clan full of bot accounts that took this asshat in.
They're called the Canadian Red Necks - which is hysterical in and of itself because redneck is one word. Here's his stats:

It's basically a troll clan full of troll botters that for whatever reason have nothing better to do than enter a game literally unarmed just to screw up somebody else's gaming experience.
Wargaming, this is why you lost about 30,000 players in North America. This right here is exhibit A.
Original post by @HeisenbergWOTS follows:
This is from the official forum. A really nice guy named omi5cron posted this and I just couldn't believe it. Here's his post from the offical site copy and pasted.
so i did do the ticket with added replay and screenie snippet of our little chat after. worth a shot. however, he MUST have used ammo at some point, his garage of tanks does show some high damage games. (at least one or so)

and a replay of the match..."at 12:18, player moves to place behind building. at 11:30, player states "no ammo" .the actual time in match of the quoted statement is at 10:15 remaining.
Edited by omi5cron, Today, 07:21 AM.
I told him I was going to post it. I don't have video capturing equipment so I was wondering if you could if you get the chance capture the video and paste here as well on this jerk. Thanks!
Post edited by Gomez Adams 12/18/2023
Reason: add video, screen shots and commentary - original post is between the horizontal lines and is completely unedited.
Gomez Adams here.
It's been a very long time since we've posted a video of someone being a horses ass in World of Tanks. In fact, it had been so long I had to do a recovery on the Youtube channel because I didn't have the information for it. The last video we published was August 9, 2021.
That said, this guy a10draggins is a complete waste of space. To intentionally go into battle without ammo is worse than being a bot. It's being an intentional detriment to your team.
He clearly never intended to fight at all. What's more, he never really intended to even move at all. From the video, you'll see that he obviously hit the battle button, got up and walked off.
Very early, a suicide scout lights him up and the enemy artillery starts hammering him. To show the poor state of game play, even though they have lit targets elsewhere, they keep shelling where he's sitting because they realize he's a bot and some free xp for them. Frankly, that makes them almost as bad as him.
At any rate, a10draggins eventually shows up back to the computer, sees that he's getting hammered by artillery and then moves the tank right up next to a building so he doesn't get hit.
Then, while his team screams for help as his base, just 100 meters away, is being capped but he refuses any help at all and then states that he has no ammo because he doesn't pay for it.
This scumbag needs to be banned permanently from the game.
Post game report:

Screen shots of the conversation:

CLEARLY, this is not an accident. This isn't some sort of "one off" he did and it certainly wasn't a rare occurrence. Here are his stats:

Clearly, he makes a living at it. Wargaming enables it. That's why their games are complete shit these days.
What's even worse is that Diamonddan19 is the "Commander" (and I use that term as loosely as I possibly can) of the entire clan full of bot accounts that took this asshat in.
They're called the Canadian Red Necks - which is hysterical in and of itself because redneck is one word. Here's his stats:

It's basically a troll clan full of troll botters that for whatever reason have nothing better to do than enter a game literally unarmed just to screw up somebody else's gaming experience.
Wargaming, this is why you lost about 30,000 players in North America. This right here is exhibit A.
Original post by @HeisenbergWOTS follows:
This is from the official forum. A really nice guy named omi5cron posted this and I just couldn't believe it. Here's his post from the offical site copy and pasted.
so i did do the ticket with added replay and screenie snippet of our little chat after. worth a shot. however, he MUST have used ammo at some point, his garage of tanks does show some high damage games. (at least one or so)

and a replay of the match..."at 12:18, player moves to place behind building. at 11:30, player states "no ammo" .the actual time in match of the quoted statement is at 10:15 remaining.
Edited by omi5cron, Today, 07:21 AM.
I told him I was going to post it. I don't have video capturing equipment so I was wondering if you could if you get the chance capture the video and paste here as well on this jerk. Thanks!
Post edited by Gomez Adams 12/18/2023
Reason: add video, screen shots and commentary - original post is between the horizontal lines and is completely unedited.
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