OK... Read the full article.
That is a bit reassuring. And, I hope that helps protect us from him coming back. He'll still stand on the outside and piss into the GOP Tent, and the DNC tent also from the sidelines. He'll still try to pun off, tee off, and try to make money off the situation anyway he can still. He won't be able to resist. And, he'll try to intimidate, scare, blow smoke, use his clown circus to gather up his minions and this Retrumplican media heads to go after the GOP, and intimidate the Republicans to carry water for his billionaire friends.
The best anecdote for him is to FUCKING IDICT HIS ASS. Go after him and put him in legal peril. Light his ass on fire. And, that means Joe Fucking Biden! and the DNC have got to let of their FUCKing cumbya asses, and stop being pussys! and prosecute his ass. ( period, end of full stop ) take you fucking gloves and bust his nose.
I don't give a damn how you do it. Clean, dirty, heavy, disguised, covertly, underground, by the book, -- I don't' care how, the clever way, the civil way... what the fuck ever. Bust his nose... keep his tied up for most of the 4 coming years.
Litigate his ass! Take his own play book and turn it against him! Shame him, make him mad, show the country what criminal he really is.
"Make people say, "this was really president for 4 years ?""
But, Mr. Biden needs to pick a sturdy Attorney General.
Let's face it, some of these picks he's make in these positions look like Obama 2.0 Retreads. I think we know now, who did pick the Obama cabinet, and seats from 2008-2016 don't we ? And, we see who's reinstating them.