Are we ever going to find out the truth behind how much

money, deals, and in deep he is still in with Vladimir Putin ?
How much all of this was owed to Vlad?
Are we ever going to finally get the final pieces of the puzzle over the Mueller investigation?
Are we going to get the TRUTH behind what this crybaby, greedy, vain, selfish, psycho, treasonous, despicable asshole has done with Russia, the Saudis, Endrogon, little Kim, China, etc
( my person conspiracy theory of many that I don’t advocate! ) If China was, even maybe behind the virus, who did Trump piss off, for someone to unleash it on the

globe ? And, what did Trump have to do with a cartel if assholes to profit from it ?
I’m I think for the rest our lives we are going to be scarred, trying to figure out, WTF happened, what all he did, how he has damaged irrefutable, irreparable harm to this country!!!!
The difference I would draw between a potential uprising, or movement, or huge push from the bottom, NOT an insurrectional attack on the capital! Or the government directly by no means.
Is the right wants to damage, destroy, take away, oppress, over throw, replace the constitution to their dominion ( fascist).
The Left is seeking something entirely different. It wants to reinforce the constitution, for the people, against the capitalist interests that are hell bent on taking it away from everyone.
Their still more terrified of the Left than these morons we see now. Not saying their not dangerous by any means, look at what they’ve done. It’s just that the capitalist have a double standard when it comes to the left vs the right.
But Trump, we gotta figure out the lessons here.