Trump, Fox News And The Coronavirus Debacle.

Gomez Adams

Grammar Fascist
Staff member
Dec 1, 2020
Suwanee, Georgia

Well, here we are with what I like to call ‘Same shit, different day.”

Yesterday, the Dow had its single largest crash in history. 2,997 points. That puts the economy pretty much in the shitter. In fact, the Dow sits now at roughly the same level it was when Obama left office.

Is this Trump’s fault? You bet your sweet ass it is! Here’s why:

From the outset of this entire thing, Trump did nothing but downplay the virus. And who was there right alongside him helping him push that narrative? Fox News.

All along Fox News and Donald Trump called it a hoax. They called it nothing. They called it contained. They called it “short lived”.

And that’s all they did. That’s why we’re so fucked right now. Don’t think so? Well, here’s a news reel showing Donald Trump calling it a hoax and saying no American has died from coronavirus, that all of it is a hoax spread by the Democrats because they hate him.

Trump calls coronavirus a hoax.

And here’s Trish Regan (another in a long line of Fox eye candy “journalist”) calling the whole thing a hoax.

Fox News bullshit brought to you by Trish Regan.

Of course, after the shit hit the fan Trish went MIA. Fox says she’s “on hiatus”. We all know what that means, don’t we? (Yep. It means she’s in the back room servicing the men of Fox News in a vain effort to get her job back.)

Folks, this is the problem with this fucking country. You have ONE SOURCE saying the polar opposite of EVERYBODY ELSE. If I’ve said this once, I’ve said it a thousand times:
If it’s everybody else that seems to be the problem, then it’s really JUST YOU that’s the problem.
But before we go, here’s one more video of the now defunct Trish Regan from just 10 days ago:

Trump and America are WINNING! (Spoiler alert: it’s all bullshit.)


This is how half the country lives, folks. They’re so brainwashed they actually believe all this shit. And now, even as the bottom falls out of it and they’re all getting laid off and in about 3 weeks will start losing their cars, their homes and everything else they have what the hell do you think they’ll do?

You think Republicans will FINALLY wake up to the fact they’ve been bullshitted all along?

Fuck no. They’ll blame Obama, yell “BUT HILLARY!!!” and keep on drinking the Fox News / Donald Trump cool aide.