$3,500.00 worth of 4K TV is now a boat anchor.

Gomez Adams

Grammar Fascist
Staff member
Dec 1, 2020
Suwanee, Georgia
What a fucking day.

Somehow, in all the hubub of putting in the new garage door opener, I lost the remote to our 65 inch 4K Samsung TV. There are no buttons on the TV. I actually had to get behind it and unplug it to kill it.

But not before thinking: Hey! This is the smart age! Surely, my Samsung smart phone can control my Samsung smart TV.

Samsung has an app called "Smart Things" on the phone where you can connect to any smart devices and control them from your phone.


So I get on that app, I see the TV on it, I hit connect, it goes through some things (yeah...I know...I'm in a mood) and then I was simply flabbergasted at what it said:



If I wanted to use the damned remote I wouldn't be sitting here pecking away on a stupid phone, you putz!

Oh well. Ordered a universal from Amazon to replace it. I've turned this house, the garage, both cars, even the VMax upside down and can't for the life of me figure out what the hell I did with it.
  • Haha
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Never seen anything like that and I go there several times per month. Then again maybe it's just the one I go to. They don't carry egg roll wraps either. I have to go to Kroger to get those when I make them.
New remote was laying on the front porch this morning at 5:30 AM. Looks just like the factory one only it has additional buttons for Netflix and Amazon. Works just like it too.

My wife recommended a chain for it. :rolleyes:
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Never seen anything like that and I go there several times per month. Then again maybe it's just the one I go to. They don't carry egg roll wraps either. I have to go to Kroger to get those when I make them.
Actually it was a Publix in Florida i picked up a GE Universal for 9.95 at that time. They still list it.
Yep. Isle 9.

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The original remote has been found.

My wife and daughter and her boyfriend were headed to Costco. Nathan, my daughter's boyfriend, happened to glance down next to the seat and there it was.

I can only guess that for some stupid reason I had the remote in my pocket as I was cleaning up from installing the garage door opener and when I went to move the car back it fell out.

Man, I'm senile as a MF'er.