World of Warships Forums shut down.

Gomez Adams

Grammar Fascist
Staff member
Dec 1, 2020
Suwanee, Georgia

Dear Captains,​

For a long time now we’ve been following different behavioral trends in our game community and the games industry in general. One of the most notable is in the ways players interface with various platforms, communicate with each other and with game publishers or studios. This was exemplified particularly by a general migration from the forums to Discord and similar community channels. In addition to the above, our forum infrastructure has also aged quite significantly over the years, so we have decided to lay this particular platform to rest. Starting on July 28, 2023, we will begin the process of closing the regional forums by removing the ability to post. Your posts and the posts of others will remain accessible until October 31st, 2023, at which time the forums will be fully shut down.​
Wow. Just wow.

Who's going to shill for them now?
Not to my knowledge. It's only Warships. I imagine Tanks will be the last forum to go.

The system they use is expensive. For their application it's probably around $1,200.00 per month.

But how sad is it when you can't afford that anymore?
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