West Side Story 2021

Gomez Adams

Grammar Fascist
Staff member
Dec 1, 2020
Suwanee, Georgia
I am a fan of musicals. Always have been. The King and I, The Sound of Music, South Pacific, the list is endless.

But West Side Story always had a special place in my heart. That's a long story I'll not get into, but my daughter texted me that they're remaking it. Stephen Spielberg is directing it.

This is the part where I also say that I am not a fan of remakes. Almost always in my experience, the remake is a colossal letdown. Flight of the Phoenix, Ben-Hur, The Wicker Man, Psycho, the list is endless.

So when she told me they were remaking West Side Story, my initial reaction was NOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!

But then I saw the trailer for it.

I must admit, I'm pumped. This looks like it's going to be awesome.

Didn't figure you for a musical guy. Had you pegged as more a Tombstone or Saving Private Ryan kind of guy.

I'm pretty sure you meant Gomez but I don't mind musicals. I believe my first movie in a theater was The Sound of Music. I remember going with just my Dad to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Besides those Tommy, Fiddler on the Roof, The Phantom of the Opera and The Rocky Horror Picture Show come to mind. My wife will watch Grease anytime and my daughter is a fanatic for Hairspray.
Didn't figure you for a musical guy. Had you pegged as more a Tombstone or Saving Private Ryan kind of guy.
I am. Love both of those movies.

I'm pretty sure you meant Gomez but I don't mind musicals. I believe my first movie in a theater was The Sound of Music. I remember going with just my Dad to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Besides those Tommy, Fiddler on the Roof, The Phantom of the Opera and The Rocky Horror Picture Show come to mind. My wife will watch Grease anytime and my daughter is a fanatic for Hairspray.
Never cared for Hairspray.

I remember going to the midnight movies in highschool to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

I never really could look at Tim Curry with a straight face after that. Love the guy, but every time I see him, I see Frankenfurter first.