Wash U alleges Missouri AG illegally sought patient records from transgender center

I can't for the life of me comprehend why anybody would give a damn about somebody else's sexuality, or any other health care decision for that matter.

If I'm the Georgia AG, and I get wind that the Medical University of South Carolina is defrauding Georgians with dubious medical operations, then yeah. I'll be so far up their ass they won't know where they leave off and I begin.

But that will be a criminal investigation. I will have gone before a judge, shown cause, and sent Marshals down there subpoena in hand.

I don't care what it says in your state constitution, NOTHING gives you carte blanche to just take records from other state institutions at will.

If you're concerned about Washington U's advertising practices, the first people you should have called are the FTC with your facts.

I hope Washington U sues them back to the fucking stone age for this.
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