Ukraine / Russia Thread

I'm starting to get some numbers and to be really honest I am in Disbelief with the complete lack of modern day tech that is being used by the Russian Forces.

But every day I am sorting through the data it becomes harder to deny certain facts.

1. The Biggest one is the Russian Army is overall not that big. We are looking around 300K+ in total Casualties right now. We are seeing how they are conscripting everyone from the age of 18 to the age of 65. Over 700K have left the country because of the mandatory drafting into death. WW2 horrendous numbers.

Secondly the Russian Army is not that modern. 20 years of routing money into the Oligarch pockets, including the thug master himself has the Russian Military BEG, buy and do whatever it can to order missiles I mean come on. When you have to rely on Iran Drones for a example and you are supposed to be a super power and yet you have to beg North Korea for artillery shells... Something is terribly wrong.

But finally as seeing old T-62's getting retrofitted (hahahaha), with an cast steel semi doughnut around the turret as well as seeing all of the rusted, non usable equipment is really telling.


The main goal with Russia is that War of Attrition and throwing hundreds of thousands of inexperienced bullet sponges at a rate of up to 8 to 1 in certain areas against a smaller but well more trained and equipped Ukrainian Army and wear them down financially as well as the Western Powers.

Anyone with 2 neurons firing can know what is going on.
I am in Disbelief with the complete lack of modern day tech that is being used by the Russian Forces.
As am I.

I knew their budget was only 40 billion or so, but I was of the opinion that was down to them having not been involved in any major outings since Afghanistan.

They're even pulling up old howitzers to the front lines now. I'd be willing to bet the shells those things are firing are circa 1967 NVA issue, as are the howitzers themselves.
I'll post this here. Again this validates what I have been saying for 42 years.

The Russian Military Machine is a ghost army. The lies where the money went, went to the oligarchs. The Crime Syndicate, and anyone and everyone skimming from the GDP every single year.

There was no Army. There was no Modernization. Only the very few got equipment. Russia DOES NOT BELIEVE IN LOGISTICS AND SUPPORT. This is one of the main reasons they are losing so badly.

If you want to talk about the real skinny on this I can only give a few tidbits.

But what I can say is that the things I posted via video well they are correct. This video validates my comment of the Russian Mentality of the wounded.

As stated before if you are a Russian Soldier, you are as good as dead as they (most) will not help you. These are the ones that got back to get some care and they were essentually butchered.

Can the Russians still win? I would be a fucking idiot for saying no.

If you sift through the information and the data out there you can get an idea on what is going on.
I'm only doing this part time as I have more important matters to attend too.

But I know my shit. I've learned from the best to observe, to learn, and to break down and assimilate data and use its core components to get the valid results.

And use that data to get results.

Hence why I still live in one of the most expensive places in the world and WoT Downsized and took the clown car to Texas.

Heh :)

ADDED: This video was important enough to add into this. The horrifying effect is that the Russians are throwing their inexperienced men into slaughter.

The horror of humanity. Welcome to my world as a survivor of the Dark Side.
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Hence why I still live in one of the most expensive places in the world and WoT Downsized and took the clown car to Texas.

The lies where the money went, went to the oligarchs. The Crime Syndicate, and anyone and everyone skimming from the GDP every single year.
That's a big part of why Chernobyl failed that nobody talks about: middle men were selling all the high grade steel and concrete and other parts and resources and replacing it with cheap, standard materials and pocketing the difference.

It was only a matter of time.

The same thing happens everywhere from time to time but in Russia it's rampant with nearly everything.
He's gotten so desperate, he's throwing the convicts into it.