Texas - Home of the Idiots


Resident Canadian
Dec 1, 2020
Canada's Ocean Playground

" Then in 2003, lawmakers went a step further by adding section 43.23, which, among other things, makes it a state felony to own "six or more obscene devices or identical or similar obscene articles." Yes, you read that right: As currently outlined by law, in the year 2024, it is illegal to own six or more dildos in Texas.

These fucking people. So 5 is OK, 6 is right out. Really? What if you had half of one leftover and you kept it for sentimental reasons? Is 5 1/2 legal?

This bullshit reminds me of a Lewis Black special years go. He said, "I was supposed to perform at the Kennedy Center, but they called me and told me I couldn't. I asked why and they said, well, we watched your last special. Do you know how many times you said the F word? I said no. So they told me: 47 times. So that means that somewhere, in the bowels of the Kennedy Center, there's some poor asshole watching my special going 'one fuck, two fuck, three fuck, four fuck..." But the good folks at the Honors Center were good enough to take me in. Apparently, they have a 60 fuck limit."

Of all the goddamned problems this country has, ESPECIALLY TEXAS, this is what they're passing in legislation. Un goddamned believable.
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