They lost contact with the sub 1 hour and 45 minutes into its dive to Titanic, which sits 12,500 feet down.
First off, I think paying 250,000 dollars to do it is stupid. Once again people take something extraordinarily dangerous and make it a common occurrence for profit.
Being somewhat claustrophobic, I would never do it. I can't imagine how horrific it is for them if they're still alive, which I doubt.
If they lost power, they were probably at around 11,000 feet. They would slowly sink to the bottom right by the Titanic. They'd never see it in the extreme blackness, but they'd know they're right next to it, waiting to die when the oxygen runs out.
Some things are better left alone. Titanic is one of them.

June 20, 2023 Missing Titanic sub search news
Banging sounds were heard Tuesday during the search for the missing Titan submersible, according to an internal US government memo. Follow for live news updates.
First off, I think paying 250,000 dollars to do it is stupid. Once again people take something extraordinarily dangerous and make it a common occurrence for profit.
Being somewhat claustrophobic, I would never do it. I can't imagine how horrific it is for them if they're still alive, which I doubt.
If they lost power, they were probably at around 11,000 feet. They would slowly sink to the bottom right by the Titanic. They'd never see it in the extreme blackness, but they'd know they're right next to it, waiting to die when the oxygen runs out.
Some things are better left alone. Titanic is one of them.