Supreme Court Rules Companies Can Sue Striking Workers for 'Sabotage' and 'Destruction,' Misses Entire Point of Striking
In a new ruling, the Court sided with a company that sued its union for property damage because it went on strike. That sets a precedent that if a union strikes, it has to ensure the company won't lose any money.

Eight of the nine Supreme Court justices voted in favor of the company. Justice Amy Coney Barrett authored the opinion. Only Justice Jackson, the newest addition to the court appointed by Joe Biden last year, voted in dissent. She said that because this was a labor dispute, the National Labor Relations Board—and the complaint that the Board’s General Counsel had already filed—took precedence, and the Court in fact had no reason to stick its nose in the case.
SCOTUS, these days, sticks it's nose into whatever the bribers want it to - the constitution be damned.