'Numerous' Saudi Arabia officials implicated in newly-released FBI report: 9/11 Families United
The Federal Bureau of Investigation on Saturday released formerly secret information on Saudi Arabia and the 9/11 terrorist attacks following the issuing of an executive order from President Joe Biden.The group 9/11 Families United released a statement after the FBI posted a 17-page PDF...
"Even with the unfortunate number of redactions, the report contains a host of bombshell new revelations, implicating numerous Saudi government officials, in a coordinated effort to mobilize an essential support network for the first arriving 9/11 hijackers, Nawaf al Hazmi and Khalid al Mihdhar. The range of contacts at critical moments among these Saudi government officials, al-Qaeda and the hijackers is stunning," the group wrote.
"This report and other evidence confirms that it was a group of Saudi government officials affiliated with the Kingdom's Ministry of Islamic Affairs, the cradle of Wahhabi extremism within the Saudi government, who came immediately to their aid as they commenced their terrorist preparations," the group said.
FBI releases first 9/11 document after Biden order
The Federal Bureau of Investigation on Saturday released the first of what is expected to be several documents related to its investigation of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and suspected Saudi government support for the hijackers, following an executive order by President Joe Biden.
I'd be prepping to turn a sandy Riyahd into a very large glass parking lot...