Here's the problem: it's not just the representatives fault. It's the people's as well. They are in the cult. They have bought the conspiracy bullshit lot, stock and barrel.
So they vote out anybody that isn't in the cult with them, which gives other people the problem of "If I don't join the cult, I won't win this election". They then have the issue of "If I don't vote for the legislation of the cult, I'll lose the next election".
So it's this round and round event of pure, unadulterated, patent bullshit that keeps things spiraling deeper and deeper into the abyss. Anybody that stands against it gets tossed.
That is going to continue until a whole shit ton of them die. Then they'll start looking for someone to blame, and when the only place to look is in the mirror, believe me, they'll not do that. Ever.
They'll double down and get on board the Titanic.
Sadly, it's going to take another mass death episode, and I mean one about 10 times worse than covid 19, to kill them all or at the very least kill enough of them to where those remaining are scared for life and crawl under a rock and never come back out again.