There was a small town (population around 700) called McClellanville just northeast of Charleston, South Carolina back in 1989 when Hugo hit. After the storm, the South Carolina State Patrol sent a couple of officers out that way because nobody had heard from anybody there. They got to right about where the city limits should be, and there was a house sitting right in the middle of the road.
The old lady that owned the house was sitting on the front porch drinking a cup of coffee and smoking a cigarette. She informed the officers of her address - it was 2 miles away from where her house was sitting.
The tidal surge that hit McClellanville was estimated to be 28 feet. It literally wiped the town off the face of the earth.
It's been rebuilt over the years and has a whopping 1,000 people living there now. If you know where to look, you can still find houses, cars and boats all over the place miles away from where they once were.
I really hate it for those folks. It's just awful...and it's going to get a whole hell of a lot worse before it ever starts to get any better.