How to Host Friends Who Smoke Weed, Even If You Don't


Resident Canadian
Dec 1, 2020
Canada's Ocean Playground
Legal cannabis is no greater vice than alcohol, so why not offer it up to guests who partake?

The advice is vital for new consumers, Wong noted, but anyone can go a little too far, especially if the treats are tasty. “Tell guests about the products and cannabis they’re about to consume and provide dosing suggestions and recommendations,” she said. “Someone with a low tolerance may enjoy a 5mg THC drink so much that they forget and reach for a second without realizing it may be too much for them.”

Pre-portion and label foods and keep them safe from kids and pets. The same as you would with alcohol, don’t leave weed-infused food where kids can sample it, even accidentally. Don’t put out a weed charcuterie spread without letting people know exactly what is in what, especially the amount of THC or CBD in each serving of food, and how big each suggested serving is.
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What I find interesting is there doesn't seem to be any 'dope flies' around anymore. If you're smoking something alone or in a small group people don't approach anymore looking for a hit. Used to happen a lot in the 80's and 90's it seems. Same as those I invite - no one has gone overboard, left with any more then they came with, or even shown up without.
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I hear ya.

Late 80's to mid 90's people went looking for someone to smoke with. Nobody wanted to smoke alone.

Then again, you didn't have people dropping dead hand over fist because everything was laced with fentanyl either.
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