Happy Thanksgiving!

Gomez Adams

Grammar Fascist
Staff member
Dec 1, 2020
Suwanee, Georgia
Hope everybody has a great day!

I'll start my annual cooking ritual around noon. I normally start earlier than that but my daughter and her boyfriend won't be here until nearly 4 o'clock. Doing something different this year: Cooking the turkey on the grill with apple wood chips in a smoker box.

Further bulletins as events warrant.
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Speaking of Thanksgiving, Reese's has taken the butter cup out a whole new door:


It is a full, pie sized butter cup. It's a full 9 inch pie diameter, weighs nearly 3.5 pounds and packs just south of 7,000 calories per slice.
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I have a love hate relationship with Thanksgiving. My mom lays out a hell of a spread to this day. Used to dad would smoke the turkey for like 8 fucking hours or something ridiculous like that on his smoker. My brother does it now. Gotta admit he does a good job. I always wind up laying around on my ass for four days eating and wind up with about 12 to 15 pounds I have to work my ass off at the gym to lose.
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