Gaetz and the medical marijuana connection.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2020
So we all know Matt has been a big advocate of medical marijuana even thought it's not a big GOP popular thing. There's a good reason for that. He's making a ton of money on it. There's a new article out here but it's subscription only.

You can read this one though to get an idea of who Jason Pirozzolo is.

So basically it breaks down like this - Jason is a hand doctor (whatever the hell that really is) that started a new consulting firm to help get medical marijuana more popular in Florida. What he was really doing is getting people to make illegal campaign donations to Matt Gaetz. He would tell them to donate 10,000 dollars which is illegal. The maximum you can give is somthing like 5,800. But he knew ways to launder it in and make it work. It turns out it is all a sort of bribery scam where companies have to donate the 10 grand to get a sit down with Matt to get their companies considered for Florida use.

Now of course Matt is saying he doens't know the guy really and that he never authorized him to ask for campaign money for him. Typical Donald Trump move. So now we can add campaign finance laws to the long list of crimes Matt Gaetz is being investigated for. This asshole is going to go down hard.
He'll get in far more trouble over the illegal campaign contributions than anything else. Duncan Hunter was on his way to prison for misuse of campaign funds when Trump pardoned him. If it was in fact a "pay to play" scheme involving illegal campaign contributions, that's a go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars type of violation.
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With all the damn defense the DOJ is putting up for Trump and Barr I don't think anything will ever come of Gaetz shit on campaign finance at all. If he gets busted at all it'll be over the sex shit.
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It is discouraging as hell, isn't it?

After all of it, nobody is going to pay the price for it. Just some idiots that did what they were told will ever be held accountable.

It's shameful on a level I have no words to convey.
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I'm still of the opinion he never will go to jail. I don't know what it is the GOP has on the Biden administration, but it has rendered them invincible. They must all travel in the same child sex circles or something is all I can think of.
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I'm still of the opinion he never will go to jail. I don't know what it is the GOP has on the Biden administration, but it has rendered them invincible. They must all travel in the same child sex circles or something is all I can think of.

I'm beginning to believe Joe is cut from some of the same cloth as Manchin