Florida Teen charged as adult in rigged homecoming election


Resident Canadian
Dec 1, 2020
Canada's Ocean Playground

PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) — A Florida teen accused of rigging a homecoming queen election with her mother is being charged as an adult, prosecutors said.

Emily Rose Grover was still 17 when she was arrested in March. She turned 18 in April, and the State Attorney’s Office in Escambia County confirmed Tuesday that Grover will be tried as an adult.

Grover and her mother, Laura Rose Carroll, 50, face multiple felony charges stemming from the October homecoming vote at Tate High School in Pensacola.

While employed as an assistant principal at Bellview Elementary School in the same county, Carroll accessed the school district’s internal system to cast fraudulent votes for her daughter so that she would win, officials said. The investigation began in November when the Escambia County School District reported unauthorized access into hundreds of student accounts, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
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For some reason I thought this happened last year. I was wondering whatever happened with it.

She should be. It's blatant, wanton shit like this that calls for a juvenile to be treated as an adult. This wasn't a case of kids being kids not knowing any better.
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