Civil War Movie

Gomez Adams

Grammar Fascist
Staff member
Dec 1, 2020
Suwanee, Georgia
What Rotten Tomatoes said about Civil War (They gave it rave reviews with an 81 score overall):

My review of the movie on Google (one star - would give zero if possible) Overall, 2 stars with 9,200 votes:
Dumbest movie I ever tried to watch.

I should have turned it off the instant it said that Texas and California were working together on the same side. That alone is stupid as hell.

Anyway, after that, the movie starts off with a water truck being guarded by a handful of police that are armed only with a shield and their bare hands. Apparently, there's no power and no running water and people are thirsting to death to the point that only about 20 people show up to try to take the water from the truck in what appears to be a decent sized town.

Meanwhile, the "press" pulls up with high end cameras and shoots this entire non-event in a civil war zone with complete autonomy from everybody because they wear a yellow vest that says "press" on it.

After that, these same press people drive a few miles down the street to a high rise hotel that has power, wifi and apparently running water since everybody there seems spotlessly clean, wearing spotless clothing. Oddly enough, nobody doing without all of these basic things in life is outside trying to get in. Not a one.

Yeah. Sure. Right.

The whole thing flies in the face of anybody with what would even remotely resemble a brain, and it just gets worse and worse.

Yes, Mr. creepy guy that has half-dead, brutally beaten and mutilated bodies hanging from a rafter, we'll shoot your photographs while you execute them and then you'll just let us go with proof of war crimes / murder because we're in a van that says "press" on it.

That's about where I had had enough. Just stupid on a Biblical scale. Nobody should even attempt to watch this garbage.​